Sunday, September 27, 2009



a)Computer is an electronic device which square-shaped look with the other output and input device such as processor,system unit,mouse,motherboard etc..


1.To turn on the computer,click on the button start.

2.The users click on the button(shift+T) to make capital letter of T and it will sent to the system unit.

3.The system unit will received the data and converted it in application and stored the information in the memory

4.The system unit will sent the complete information to the computer and it will display an image of capital letter of T

b)Computer literacy is the knowledge about computer on how to use it.

c)Nowadays,computers become a necessary device to us in our daily life.Every part of our life needs and use computers as a medium to make our life better.every one is not sxcepted from this modern and important device included kids,teenagers,adult,and also old folks.Every one of them use computers in a different way,different places.For example for kids,they are learn about computers started from the kingdergarden.Sometimes,they learn more early about the computers

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